How to Grow your Beauty Business

As a beauty professional, it may seem overwhelming thinking about how to grow your business, and do all the marketing stuff. It really doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. There are small things you can do everyday to help achieve your business goals and keep your salon flourishing. Keep reading for a few ideas on how to grow your beauty business:

  1. Get Discovered on Google

This is a big one that a lot of beauty professionals overlook. Think about it, where do you go when you’re looking for a new restaurant or you need a specific product or service? You “Google” it, right? Hundreds of people are searching for beauty services in your city everyday! They are searching for things like “hair stylist near me” or “best nail salon in (insert your city)”. If your business is not showing up on the Google page while these potential clients are searching for the services you offer, you are missing out on new clients! Follow these steps to make sure you are showing up on Google:

  • Set up a Google My Business Account - This is FREE and only takes a few minutes!

  • Make sure your Google My Business Account and your Website (which is connected to Google) both list all of the services that you offer and the cities you service. You should have the services and your service area listed multiple times throughout your website. Google does not read photos so you need to have the actual words listed in a few places. Think of it like this … every time someone searches for a service, Google sends its' little bots out to read all of the websites available on the internet... they are looking for those words. If it finds those words on your website and you are in the same area as the person searching, you are a match and Google will show your business information to the person searching!


2. Make your Mark on Instagram

I know you’ve probably heard this one before but we would be remiss not to include it! One of the most important places you can show off your work and make your mark on the beauty industry is Instagram! It can be overwhelming at times trying to remember to take photos, post consistently and engage with your audience but it is essential for establishing credibility for your business and helping to build your clientele. Here are few tips to help make your Instagram shine:

  • Create your brand and visual theme and stick to it.

  • Post consistently. Create a posting schedule and an idea list to keep you going.

  • Utilize all of the engagement features such as poll or question stickers in your stories to keep your audience engaged.

  • Mix industry hashtags with local hashtags so you reach an audience that’s close to you and could realistically book a service with you

  • Engage! Promptly respond to messages, answer questions and engage with followers who leave comments. Devote a few minutes each day to go through your notifications.


3. Grow your “Personal Brand”

As opposed to making the focus of your business just your salon or spa, growing your personal brand means putting the focus on you. Promote yourself as an expert, let your personality shine on social, and make a name for yourself! Your clients may come to you because they love your work but they also come to you because they like YOU. Check out 3 powerful ways to build your personal brand as a beauty-preneur


4. Build Loyalty with your Clients

As a beauty professional, you are not just in the beauty business … you are in the people business! Finding new clients is important but keeping the clients you already have is even more key. It is much harder and more time consuming to find new clients than it is to keep your current clients happy and coming back on a regular basis. if you work at building great client relationships, you don’t need to focus so much time and effort on finding new clientele, but instead focus more on what you already have. It’s the best growth strategy you can find. Check out these 9 tips for increasing client loyalty.


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